Backyard Blog

Why We Love UV Tech

Tired of battling murky, green pond water? UV technology is your secret weapon for achieving crystal clarity.

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Why are My Pond Fish Dying?

Every pond owner's worst nightmare is walking out to their pond and seeing dead fish. Your fish can be seemingly healthy one day and then dead the next, leaving you...

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Why is My Pond Green?

Ponds can become green seemingly overnight and without any obvious cause. Discover why your pond is green, what it means, and how you can treat and prevent green pond water.

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How to Add Aquatic Plants to Your Pond

Aquatic plants help absorb nutrients in the water that feed algae blooms and cause other water quality issues. How do you add aquatic plants to your pond?

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Why is My Pond Cloudy?

Cloudy pond got you down? Dive into the why, preventatives, and solutions to transform your murky pond into a crystal-clear paradise. Cloudy water can be a sign of excess nutrients and poor water quality,...

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Maintaining an All Natural Pond

You can maintain your pond naturally without using potentially harmful chemicals. Learn how to maintain your pond, naturally.

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Winter Pond Maintenance Checklist

January and February are peak winter, often when the weather is at its coldest. It’s not the most exciting month for water gardening; the main objective is to ensure no...

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Fish Care to Maintain Water Quality

There are a few reasons why a pond goes from crystal clear to cloudy, smelly, murky, and even green. Excess waste, debris, and poor oxygenation cause most water quality issues,...

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Is a Total Water Change Necessary?

When your pond has major water quality issues that don't seem to be resolved by troubleshooting or water treatments, a total water change can provide a fresh start. Total water...

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