Backyard Blog

What to Do When Your Fish Grow Too Large

Have you heard the saying a fish will only grow to the size of their tank? If there is not enough space for your fish to grow to its full...

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Summer Care Made Simple – Maintenance for your Water Features

Summer is a time to relax and enjoy the outdoors. Water features like ponds, waterfalls, and fountains add a touch of tranquility to your backyard oasis. But the hot summer...

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Prepping Your Pond Before Vacation

Heading on your vacation? Don't forget your pond! Ensure your return to a thriving backyard oasis with happy and healthy fish. With a little preparation, you can enjoy your vacation...

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How to Select Fish for Your Pond: A Beginner's Guide

Adding fish to your pond is a fantastic way to create a vibrant and dynamic backyard oasis. However, before you rush out and buy a bunch of goldfish, there are some...

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Why We Love UV Tech

Tired of battling murky, green pond water? UV technology is your secret weapon for achieving crystal clarity.

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The Best Landscaping Stones for Your Water Feature

Landscaping is a fun and sometimes intimidating part of designing a pond. Adding the right pond rocks and stones can make a water feature look natural and organic. Choose the best...

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Spruce Up Your Water Feature: Three Ways to Revive Your Pond

Does your once-vibrant pond no longer spark the same joy? It might be time time for a revitalization project to reignite the spark. While embarking on an upgrade can seem daunting, a...

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Does My Pond Have a Leak or Is It Just Evaporation?

If it's been little dry or particularly hot where you live, you may notice a more drastic dip in the water levels in your pond. Before embarking on leak detection,...

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Dreamy Pondside Parties

Your pond can be both a decoration and a source of entertainment during a summer party. The warm weather lets you get outdoors, soak up the vitamin D, and enjoy...

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