Backyard Blog

Winter Pond Maintenance Checklist
January and February are peak winter, often when the weather is at its coldest. It’s not the most exciting time for water gardening; the main objective is to ensure no significant changes...

Fall to Winter Maintenance Timeline for Your Pond
Fall and winter are critical months for pond maintenance, especially if you have fish, plants, and other pond-life. Review our fall-to-winter timeline to get ready for pond care in the...

Watch Out for High Nutrient Loads in Fall
High nutrient loads can upset the pond's balance in any season, but fall leaves can quickly overload a pond when not scooped out. Keeping your pond clean and clear during...

3 Things You Should Know About Ponds In Cooler Temperatures
Like people, ponds can flourish in any season but have special needs to succeed in different temperatures. Learn the 3 things you should know about ponds in cooler weather.

Is a Total Water Change Necessary?
When your pond has major water quality issues that don't seem to be resolved by troubleshooting or water treatments, a total water change can provide a fresh start. Total water...

Prepping Your Pond Before Vacation
Heading on your vacation? Don't forget your pond! Ensure your return to a thriving backyard oasis with happy and healthy fish. With a little preparation, you can enjoy your vacation...

Why We Love UV Tech
Tired of battling murky, green pond water? UV technology is your secret weapon for achieving crystal clarity.

Does My Pond Have a Leak or Is It Just Evaporation?
If it's been little dry or particularly hot where you live, you may notice a more drastic dip in the water levels in your pond. Before embarking on leak detection,...

Why are My Pond Fish Dying?
Every pond owner's worst nightmare is walking out to their pond and seeing dead fish. Your fish can be seemingly healthy one day and then dead the next, leaving you...