Dreaming of Spring
The seemingly endless months of snow and cold weather have us dreaming of spring (unless you live in Florida and put on a jacket only a handful of times this season). Our fingers ache to dig into the soil, tear out weeds, and scoop out fish feed. The gardening tools haven’t been touched in months. Our koi are still sluggish and don’t greet us beneath the ice. It can be a little disheartening. Until the ice melts, there isn’t much to do but plan and prep for spring, when sunshine and warmth bring the gardens back to life.
Maintenance Checks
You can use this downtime to clean and check all the pumps, filters, waterfalls, etc., for signs of damage like cracks. Replace any worn parts and do any upgrades before spring.
Start Planning Ahead
Do you need a more powerful pump this year? Maybe add on a UV clarifier? Do you want to add a waterfall? Spring is a great time of year to add that pond or water feature you have been dreaming about all winter long. Check out our projects page for step-by-step DIY water gardening projects, and keep checking back all year long to see what new ideas we have been dreaming up for you. The possibilities are endless. Grab a pump and a container, and let your imagination run wild.
Plant TLC
As the weather warms up, you can pay more attention to the plants, pruning away any leaves or stems that didn’t make it through the winter. Check to see if your plants are too crowded; now is a great time to repot. You can also start shopping for new plants. Which annuals do you want to plant this year? Buy some plants that will bloom in the summertime. Plants are a great way to add color to a yard, especially a pond.
Algae love sunlight and warm weather. Adding a large plant or tree can shade some of the pond and help with algae growth. Hardier plants can be reintroduced to your pond, and once the water temperature is in the high 40s, you can add your tropical plants.
Could this be the year you start a vegetable garden? Spinach, lettuce, kale, and peas are great plants to start in the spring. They are easy to grow and do not require too much attention. You can use pots or build your own DIY vegetable bed using wood or concrete blocks. Maybe you want to help your local pollinators. Plants like daisies, marigolds, wild lilac, calendula, hyacinth, crocus, echinacea, snapdragon, foxglove, sunflower, and lavender will attract bees and other insects. Be careful not to use any harmful pesticides! Ladybugs and praying mantis will eat aphids and other pests. You can buy them online and release them into your garden. Kids will love this!
You can do fun outdoor home improvement projects in the spring, like adding a brick path to the pond to make your garden and yard more enjoyable. Is your pond comfortable? You can add chairs or a hammock to soak up the Vitamin D and read a good book. Use this time for planning and brainstorming how you can make the most out of the space that you have.
Meta: Get ready for the spring season with these useful tips for your garden and pond.