Green Stop® Liquid Algaecide, 16 oz.

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  • Fast acting, hydrogen peroxide based active formula quickly treats green water, controls existing algae, and prevents additional algae blooms.
  • Effectively suppresses, controls and prevents algae and cyanobacteria in water gardens, ornamental ponds, fountains, or stone water features. Can also be used on pondless waterfalls.
  • smartpond Green Stop® Algaecide is ideal to keep on hand and use on-hand as a preventative or corrective treatment for algae and green water to enhance water quality and appearance.
  • One 16-oz bottle can be used preventatively to treat up to 4,730 gallons or used curatively to treat up to 2,355 gallons.
  • It is important to read the product label for product use.
  • When instructions are followed in full, this EPA registered algaecide is non-toxic and safe for all fish, plants, and wildlife.

Safety Data Sheet


• Treats up to 2,160 gallons
• Treats, control, & prevents algae in water gardens, ornamental ponds, fountains, or stone water features
• EPA registered algaecide is safe for fish when pond is properly aerated & product is used correctly
• The natural alternative to traditional copper-based algaecides
• For use in ornamental ponds and water gardens

When you need it

Use to treat existing green water or string algae


Read the label carefully before applying Algaecide to your water feature. Call with any questions if you are unsure.


Read the label carefully before applying Algaecide to your water feature. Call with any questions if you are unsure.

Safety Data Sheet